I'm Gabi, South West converted North West Londoner.
and while having watched probably every cookery program on the planet and having undertaken a professional cookery training, it is not the fancy or difficult recipes that makes my heart thump. It is delicious, (largely) wholesome food that I can share with family and friends that makes cooking worth while for me.
am whole heartedly obsessed with food. Reading, eating, cooking and dreaming about food comprises a large amount of my life
Professionally I work in TV on the coordination side of things, wrangling crews and production teams (well largely just telling people what to do) and I find it to be an industry where its hard to turn off, well, ever. As a consequence my kitchen, my le creuset and cooking a home cooked meal at the end of the day is integral to my sanity.
For food to be good I have never felt that it needs to be time consuming, elaborate or expensive ingredient orientated. Good food is just good.
Teeny Tasty Triumphs is a place for me to expel bursts of my food enthusiasm in a constructive manner and hopefully a place to help me preserve my sometimes lacking sanity. Despite living a busy life and only having the means to live modestly, I always try to remember that sadly we are what we eat. With a little bit of imagination and inspiration anyone can and should enjoy cooking, eating and looking after themselves one Teeny, Tasty Triumph at a time.
Contact: gabiadams@hotmail.co.uk